Kia ora
EOTC events for 2023 have begun and these have been both enjoyable and successful. On Friday Ms Paul and I took a group of learners to Massey Park pools for the ECCS Swimming event. All learners displayed our values of Challenge, Pride, Excellence and Empathy throughout the day. The pushed themselves to their limits, supported their peers and represented Alfriston School superbly . A special congratulations to Cormack Douglas and Suzie Montgomerie who were selected in the ECCS Team to compete at Counties level – a great achievement!
Yesterday (Thursday 9th March) the Kotahitanga whānau went to Auckland Zoo to further their scienitific knowledge and understanding. Staff, learners and caregiver helpers thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learners are now able to refer to things seen when discussing science concepts and information. This was a valuable learning experience that enhanced current learning.
I want to say a big thank you to all caregivers that have helped with events so far this year. Your time and effort are hugely appreciated.
A reminder that we will be having a Lockdown Practice on Monday 13th March. You will receive a message from the school, please do not be alarmed IT IS ONLY A PRACTICE DRILL.
Tuesday 14th March is our first House Fun Day for 2023. The purpose of the day is to provide learners with the opportunity to experience Tuakana Teina (the opportunity to build and enjoy relationships across school levels).
All learners need to: –Come to school dressed in their house colour -Bring a hat (school hat or another hat) -Bring their togs and towel
As reported in the media last night, there is a planned Teacher/Principal strike on Thursday 16th March. Alfriston School has plans in place to manage this, therefore will be able to open on the day of the strike.
We welcome you into the classrooms however ask that you visit before 8.40am and after 2.45pm. The end of the day is an important part of learning time for teachers and learners. Teachers are ensuring learners have everything they need and are completing the end of day reflection. When parents enter before the bell this is very disruptive.
Student Leaders of 2023
Please note 2 forms of ID must be sighted.
Thank you to those who have already submitted their police vetting forms.
If you wish to submit a form please read the information below to help with a smooth process.

Yummy Apple Sticker Promotion
Alfriston School is taking part in the Yummy apple sticker promotion. By collecting Yummy fruit stickers from apples or stonefruits or Yummy bag labels we have the opportunity to receive a share of $200,000 worth of sports equipment for our school. Each class has a Yummy apple sticker collection chart in their classroom and learners are encouraged to stick their Yummy fruit stickers or labels onto the chart. The more stickers we collect, the more sports equipment we receive.
This promotion runs until the end of Term 3 so there is plenty of time for us to collect!
Thank you for supporting this fantastic promotion. 
Each week in Room 6 we celebrate a learner or group of learners. We have a message and photos that go up on our classroom noticeboard. The students like to see the new messages each week on a Monday. Then each Friday the message from the noticeboard comes down and goes into our Learner Celebrations Book in our class library. It’s great reading and we will be able to see all our fantastic learning here throughout the year.

The New Zealand author James Russell and his series of novels called the Dragon Defenders is quickly becoming a class favourite. We are learning to listen carefully to a novel being read and imagine the story in our minds. We enjoy coming in each day after lunch and listening to a chapter. Inspired by the story we have created our own dragons complete with rocky mountains, egg-shaped rocks and dragon eggs. We enjoyed using pastels, paints and coloured pencils in these artworks.

Treaty: At the beginning of the term in Room 3 we created a classroom treaty. We did this so that we can all be the best we possibly can be and promise to help each other reach our learning goals. A treaty is an agreement between people that makes sure everyone is heard and everyone knows that they are valued and that they contribute to the class as a whole. Through putting together our treaty we have also discussed and learned about our school values of pride, challenge, excellence and empathy. As Alfriston School learners, we uphold these values both in the classroom as learners and outside of the classroom as members of the wider school community.
We have reached the halfway point of Term 1, and Room 13 has already shown themselves to be capable and hardworking learners. We have shared our personal taonga with the class, and have already produced some artwork to display our individuality and uniqueness. Please do come and visit us and see our work displayed in the class – each person has created writing and images to be proud of.
For Aotearoa New Zealand histories we are learning about the treaty before the treaty: He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni and will compare it to the later Tiriti o Waitangi. It’s quite an eye-opener, as we have already explored the 3 different flags of this country.
In our maths, we are working hard on our number knowledge – and do ask us to share the Prime Number song with you! And by the time you read this, we will have come back from our Zoo trip which supports our learning in science – the living world.
Congratulations to Finnley Hede
Finnley entered his very first Jiu-Jitsu tournament in Mount Maunganui recently and placed second in his division. Finnley has only recently been learning Jiu-Jitsu so this is a wonderful result at a competitive level. Congratulations Finn.
Ensure we have accurate, up-to-date contact information for you
Download our school app

We will not be using Seesaw this year. Learning will be shared via newsletters (class, team and school) and a ‘Home / School Partnership Communication’ twice a term.
Next meeting: 28th March
We are all looking forward to seeing lots of happy, excited and smiling students at tonight’s disco and don’t worry, it is not too late if you haven’t got tickets yet. There will be door sales tonight. Eftpos will be available. If your child is bringing cash can you please try to give them some coins so we don’t run out of change!
Look out for the next fundraiser that will be coming home with your child next week. The Holiday Hamper Raffle will be back in 2023! His includes raffle tickets to sell, a mufti day and prizes for top ticket sellers. All of these details will be coming home next week. We will have a number of small jobs to do with this. Please email Sarina Davies ( sdavies@alfriston.school.nz) if you think that you may be able to help.
We are still on the lookout for a parent to run the second hand uniform shop. Please contact the office or Sarina Davies at sdavies@alfriston.school.nz if this is something that you are interested in.
Shyla Pratap, Srihan Patlori, Bria Sitzer, Mason Yang, Harkirat Singh Saggi, Raymond Bishop-Lematua, Navdeep Garcha, Harveer Bandechha, Ethan Lee Sang, Ansh Bhatia
Iziyaah Paitai, Layla Hansen,
Sophia Hansen, Luke Paitai
Tuesday 7 February – Thursday 6 April
Monday 24 April – Friday 30 June
Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Monday 9 October – Tuesday 19 December
Teacher Only Days
1st and 2nd of February, Monday 24th April, other dates may be added (TBC)
School hours:
We ask that all learners be at school by 8.30am each day to prepare for their school day.
8.45am: Learning starts
10.15am – 10.45am: Morning tea break
12.30pm – 1.15pm: Lunch break
2.45pm: School finishes
Gates remain open until 3.15pm daily 