Kia ora
Alfriston School works hard to ensure whānau are informed and given opportunities to be involved. At the beginning of this Term we sent out important dates well in advance and over the last few weeks you have received both whānau and classroom newsletters. We also encourage all whānau to stay actively involved in their child’s education by visiting the classroom and having informal conversations as often as possible.
As previously communicated we encourage you to approach us at any time to share knowledge and skills that our learners would benefit from.
Mā to pā te tamaiti e whakatipu. (It takes a village to raise a child.)
I want to thank all whānau members who attended the recent Netball Fun Day at Bruce Pulman courts. Myself and Mrs Cleur from the office popped down to support our learners and it was delightful to see our learners having such a wonderful time. A big part of the success was due to the teachers and whānau supporting; as managers, referees and cheerleaders on the sideline. A special mention to Mrs Paul for organising, training and leading on the day. Your efforts are truly appreciated Mrs Paul. Thank you also to the caregivers who were either managers or referees on the day. Without your support we wouldn’t have been able to attend.
Jumping June
You will have received information about Jumping June. Why did Alfriston School decide to be involved in this event?
* We wanted to show our school value of empathy by supporting a charity in our community
* We wanted to create an opportunity for our learners to develop their physiccal education skills. After just a week the skipping development has improved significantly 🙂
* We wanted to have fun! The 15th of June is going to be a great day – all learners will be involved in a variety of fun skipping activities and challenges. PS: Did you hear about the skipping challenge in assembly? I am pleased to say our one and only Miss Groom won the teacher vs student challenge. WELL DONE Miss Groom.
We thank our learning community for their support.
Carla Cook
POSSIBLE Teacher Strike – Wednesday 31st May |
As many of you will be aware, the current industrial action between the teachers union and the Government is on going.
Currently there is a pause on all industrial action for both Primary and Secondary School teachers as agreed alongside Minister Tinetti on Friday last week. However, this pause only lasts until Tuesday 30th May.
NZEI – Our Teachers Union – has signalled that we WILL strike on Wednesday 31st May if the discussions this week do not lead to a resolution in the negotiations.
This will place the school and whānau in a difficult situation as notification of the confirmed strike could be as late as Tuesday next week.
Please note this day as a potential strike action day. I will communicate with you all as soon as I know anything
Reports and 3 Way Conferences
Your child’s school report will be sent home today. Please take time to sit and read the report with them as this sends an important message about your interest in their education and the support they have from both home and school. Celebrate the successes and positives and discuss different things you can do together to ensure they reaach their learning goals (next steps).
The 3 way conferences are next Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st. We are aiming for 100% attendance as we know that bringing home and school together to support learners makes a significane impact.
Please go to: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz
Code: bjpm4
Second-Hand Uniform Shop – Wednesday 7th June
The second-hand uniform shop will be open for purchases from 2:30pm-3pm on Wednesday the 7th of June.
Uniform item prices:
Polo shirts – $5 each
Boys shorts – $5
Culottes – $10
Intermediate shirts/blouses – $10
Intermediate shorts/skirts – $10
Fleeces – $10
Doughnut Day – Friday 2nd June
The Friends and Family group will be selling doughnuts and macaroons next Friday the 2nd of June. Doughnuts and Macaroons will be available to buy on Kindo and will be delivered to classes at lunchtime. Kindo sales will close at 8 am on Friday the 2nd of June.

Congratulations to Stella, Harmanjot, Jarrett, Vinny, Finnley, Ryker, Oliver, Rocco, Micaiah, Carter and Kiran for recently completing bike ambassador training. They had a great day out of the classroom learning all about bikes and cycle safety, with Ms van der Meulen and cycle coach Janet Stark.
Ensure we have accurate, up-to-date contact information for you
Download our school app

We will not be using Seesaw this year. Learning will be shared via newsletters (class, team and school) and a ‘Home / School Partnership Communication’ twice a term.
Luke Patai, Wendy Shao, Vashnie Pahalu, Gurjot Kaur, Navsimrat Bhullar, Ashton Lewis, William Liu, Harshveer Singh, Kiran Truman, Emily Waddington, MIkah Toala, Mikaela Ferre Sales Torres, Hanzalah Raza, Grayson Hunter, Oliver Powell, Andrea Rippinggale, Harvey Orec, Veerjot Singh, Hudson Hede, Ellie Banh, Gursimar Kaur Saggi, Larissa Toala Kyel Deo, Sire Reid, Harmeet Kaur, Jayden Yang, Annika Dhabale, Aiya Al-Sagban, Sienna Voyce, Akaldeep Singh, Cindy Chen, Krishav Nand, Casey Smith, Zaleyna Naivaluvou
Welcome to our new learners to Alfriston School
Avaan Thalari, Amber Virk, Kayden Paton, Sarah Samut, Gurmehr Singh
Monday 24th Teacher Only Day
Tuesday 25th April – Friday 30 June
Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Monday 9 October – Tuesday 19 December
Teacher Only Day
Monday 13th November (School is closed to learners)
School hours:
We ask that all learners be at school by 8.30am each day to prepare for their school day.
8.45am: Learning starts
10.15am – 10.45am: Morning tea break
12.30pm – 1.15pm: Lunch break
2.45pm: School finishes
Gates remain open until 3.15pm daily
No Dogs allowed on the schoolsite
